Friday, May 3, 2013

Art of Greece

One of the reasons I chose to learn more about the geography of Greece was because of its rich history and art.  Having taken several art history classes I was always fascinated by different phases of Greek art. The phases of ancient Greek art began with Mycenaen Art which later led to the Geometric phase which was characterized by pottery and architecture that utilized geometric forms as patterns. The Archaic art phase emerged after the geometric, this in this phase many different cultures from throughout the world were inspirations for the works, during this phase more realistic depictions of humans began. The Classical phase followed soon after, during this phase art and sculpture in particular was exaggerated to express the greatness of Greece at the time. Figures were made to be more muscular, more handsome/beautiful and more serene. The last phase of ancient Greek art was the Hellenistic phase. This phase is known for extremely exaggerated figures that seem to exemplify the “perfect” or “god-like” human being.

An example of Mycenaen artwork.

An example of Geometric phase artwork.

An example of artwork from the Archaic phase.

An example of artwork from the Classical phase.

An example of artwork from the Hellenistic phase.


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